Another week gone already? Oh no. I want summer to last forever.
After Horse Guards I wandered back to my hotel. Refreshed, the next day I had one very particular spot on my mind. St. George's, Hanover Square, because Ann had just written a wedding scene there for "The Gamekeeper's Lady", due out in Hardcover in December. Anyway, my luck wasn't in. The Church is closed for renovations. They need lots of donations and I am providing you with a link to the official site. Dame Judi Dench is their Patron. However, I did take some pictures, as we were interested in the steps and the access.
One thing you need to know, the Church is not in Hanover Square, but on St George's Street to the south of the square. You will see this quite clearly on Google if you wish, and probably in the A to Z of Regency London.

These are views of buildings from the steps. I thought it particularly interesting that one of the shops, the one with the bow front was a bespoke taylors which now incorporates Hicks and Sons, established in 1797. Hicks and sons would have been most likely located in Saville Row, but the building they occupy now might well have been around at the time.
And below are the steps up which the hero's brother dashed just in time!
Since I had walked to Hanover Square, in search of my church, we ought to pay it a visit too.
Hanover Square was the first square built in London. Started in 1717, it was originally surrounded by fields. This picture shows it around 1754 looking north.
Included in the surrounding buildings in our time were the Hanover Square rooms built in 1774-75 in place of the original Number 4. They were built by the Swiss-Italian dancing master to the royal family, Sir John Gallini. Bach was a shareholder in the rooms and gave concerts there from 1775-1782, as did Hayden between 1791 to 1794. The musical connection continued well past the Regency until 1874.
Number 21 was occupied by the French Ambassador, Prince Tallyrand, but after our period.
Today, there are a great many more trees, a whole lot more traffic of a very different sort, and it is fenced in with iron railings.
That is all I have time for tonight, I hope you enjoyed this visit. Lots more to come, until then, Happy Rambles.
What I am reading right now.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
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