Fashion. My favorite post of the month.
I could not resist this one, since it is so different from most of the gowns we see for the Regency.
This is, of course, a court dress. It is from 1808 from La Belle Assemblee.
One can imagine how awkward moving around in such a gown might be. It seems to be a polonaise style and this lady is lucky because she does not have a train to manage when she backs up, though doorways might be a problem.
As you can see, this next plate is from the Lady's Magazine from July 1810.
The Ball Dress is a pink gossamer satin slip, with Grecian frock of white Persian gauze, united up the front and round the bottom with silver filligree, buttons and chain; the bottom trimmed with a deep vandyke lace; Spanish slash sleeves, confined with silver filligree buttons and cord; hair à-la-Greque, with Persian roses; pearl necklace, bracelets, and ear-rings; shoes of white satin, spotted with pink foil; gloves of French Kid; and a white crape fan.
The Promenade Dress is a Spanish pelisse of white and lilac shot sarsenet, trimmed with Chinese scalloped binding, ornamented up the front with the same, and fastened with correspondent buttons; a woodland hat with lemon-colored chip and a curled ostrich feather of lilac and white; complimented by lemon-colored slippers and kid gloves; gold neck-chain and broach; her ridicule is of painted velvet.
I love the sound of a woodland hat. It is pretty and certainly reminds one of summer weather.
Until next time, Happy Rambles
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