I must say none of these hats look particularly Christmassy to me, but I would like to know which one you would be wearing out on Christmas Day?
Here are the descriptions:
A full turban made either in tiffany or silver net; the crown lashed with silk or silver cords.
A melon cap, made of white satin quilted, with narrow bead trimming inlet, ornamented with a full cluster and wreath of flowers, blended with a quilled border of lace.
Persian calash, formed upon a wire fabric, and composed of satin-striped ribband, trimmed with a full border of blond lace, appliqued with a heading of Vandyke: a net handkerchief crosses the crown en suite, with a large cluster of wild flowers in the centre.
A cottage bonnet, made in salmon colour and white velvets, ornamented with a double plume of ostrich feathers.
A Russian a-la-mode, composed of orange and white velvets, trimmed round the edge with a quilling of Vandyke lace: the crown decorated with flowers and wreaths of Vandyke lace.
Untile Next time…….
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