The first this we came to when we left the parking lot was this pond. It looks like your typical pond with ducks and moorhens. It stands just outside the stable block. I was delighted to discover that this pond had a whole other purpose. Not one I have really ever thought about.
You can see the purpose in this picture. There is a gate and a cobbled slope down into the water.
Easy access for ducks, did you say?

No. In fact this is where carriages where washed. Naturally, like cars today, they had to be washed. All that lovely English mud.
The would back the carriages into the pond and give them a good wash. They didn't want them to sink into the mud hence the cobbles.
This is the first time I have seen a carriage washing pond, so I thought it deserved a blog post all of its own.
Lots more to see at Salram, so until next time, Happy Rambles.
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