A real Andalusian dress, formed of a bodice of pink or rose coloured velvet with a puff sleeve of white satin; the rest of the dress being of the same materials and edged at the bottom a la Vandyke, and ornamented with tab fringe; the bodice is terminated in a jacket behind and edged with the same fringe as the dress; the stomacher crossed with white lacing, in braid, fastened at each lacing with a diamond or paste button; ridicule of rose or pink coloured velvet; white gloves and shoes of white with the quarters the colour of the bodice; ear-rings of plain pearl. The Sevigne curl is the most prominent fashion for the head dress.
While the title on the picture says afternoon, the description says evening. My interpretation is a flexible gown, but I must say the jacket concept sounds more like the afternoon. I really like the idea of a stomacher. something we don't often see in the regency.

This is a walking dress from 1817 from La Belle Assemblee
This is a fussy gown, and very blue, but it would be perfect for Spring Weather.
That is all from me today. Until next time,
Happy Rambles
What lovely pictures! I don't think I've ever seen the one with the stomacher, it looks more medieval to me, but I really like it.