On Wednesday you will find my short story, Deliciously Debauched by the Rake on e-harlequin.com - follow the link to e-harlequin on the right. I think this cover is delicious all by itself!
Elizabeth Bentham has been John, Lord Radthorn's lover for five glorious years. But she wants him to have a chance to marry a respectable lady, not a woman with her tarnished reputation. Elizabeth thinks telling him their relationship has lost its spark will help him move on...but John isn't prepared to lose her, and sets out to prove their passion is as strong as ever....
I did have fun writing this story about minor characters who appear in The Gamekeeper's Lady. This is a fun and sexy read.
Clovelly Continued:
In past days there was another important industry for the people along the coast. If you look closely, at the picture to the right you will see a rounded stone shape that looks a bit like a castle turret. This was a lime-kiln.
Lime was a very important product in the 18th and 19th century, used by farmers to counteract the acidity in their soil and for whitewash for cottage walls. The lime-kiln used a very cheap form of fuel, coal dust, called culm, brought by boat from South Wales.
Layers of lime and coal dust were put in the top of the kiln, called the pot, then set alight from the base. You can see the arched entrance, which is now covered by a wooden door. As the stone burned, it produced calcium oxide or the substance we know as quicklime which was drawn off through the draw hole loaded onto donkey and taken up the hill. Lime mortar was also used between the stones from which the cottages are built. This mortar allows the walls to "breathe" in the damp climate and is used today. This kiln ceased operation in 1911.
Steps up to the pier are not for the faint-hearted and flat shoes are recommended, but once up there the views are worth the effort.
That is all from me, today, but make sure you have your walking shoes handy next time because we will be climbing up the cobbled street to the top of the hill.
Until then, Happy Rambles