Only the picture is missing and my name is spelled wrong. Ah Darlene, I love ya.
Check out Darlene's novels, those are great great books.
I am in the process of thinking about this blog, its purpose and how I can make it fun.
In the meantime here are some reviews of my novel. Pistols at Dawn.
Romance Reviews Today-----PISTOLS AT DAWN is a multi-layered tale that will take you on a deeply emotional ride. Ms. Young makes her characters come alive and keeps the suspense and sexual tension accelerating throughout. The result is a highly involving story you'll want to read more than once. *****Jane Bowers
No disappointments with “Pistols at Dawn“. Patsy Glans for The Road to Romance - June 5, 2006
Check out my website for more fabulous reviews. To all you reviewers, keep up the good work. We authors love you.
Of special interest is They will feature my book in their bookclub during the week of August 14. This is a great initiative. Give it your support.

Best wishes